The partnership provides advice to government on insights and solutions that drive economic prosperity and remove barriers to growth.
Priority initiatives
We have identified 5 priority initiatives for 2023 and 2024 that reflect some of the challenges and opportunities faced by the Great South Coast region.
Read more about each initiative below or download Great South Coast Priorities (PDF 3056.01 KB) .
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Key worker housing
- Ensuring the $150 million Regional Worker Accommodation Fund includes the investment to deliver key and essential worker housing in line with evidence and solutions identified in the Barwon South West Key Worker Action Plan.
- Prioritised investment for use of crown land and caravan parks to deliver a Summer Workforce Accommodation Program.
- Develop a functioning water trading platform in the Great South Coast region.
- Fast-track the development of a strategic and sustainable water management plan for the South West region, directing equitable access to a diversified range of competitively priced fresh and recycled resources to support industry growth.
Great South Coast road network
Prioritised investment in the Great South Coast's nationally significant road network including:
- Years 2 and 3 Dairy Supply Chain Road funding: $31.5 million per year over 2 years.
- Narrow Roads Program: $100 million per year for 4 years.
- Princess Highway West and Great Ocean Road inland: $300 million over 4 years joint investment between State and Federal Government.
- Timber Industry Road Evaluation Study (TIRES): include forward estimates 2024 to 2027 funding in the budget for works identified in the TIRES report.
Equitable economic participation
- Review the current Social Procurement Framework through a regional social benefit lens and pilot local changes in a Great South Coast Trial.
- Provide support to establish GSC BUILD (Business Upskill & Innovate for Local Development) - a local business capability building initiative to support SMEs in recruiting vulnerable individuals, offer career pathways through skills development, and help equip local industry to win competitive contracts.
Growing our clean energy sector
- Support Stage 1 establishment of a Centre of Excellence for Clean Energy to be delivered through a collaboration between Deakin University and SW TAFE of $20 million.
- Explore policy mechanisms for establishing a government-supported renewable hydrogen hub or zone in the region.
- Provide funded support to de-risk projects and reduce commercial gaps, including grants and network exemption charges for grid-connected renewable hydrogen projects.
- Regulate community investment schemes for renewable energy developers, benefiting the local community.
Economic development
The Great South Coast Regional Partnership has two foundational documents that guide our decision-making process. These documents have active project steering groups to provide direction on regional partnership priorities.
The Partnership supports transformative economic development opportunities, such as those identified in the Regional Economic Development Strategies.
Economic Futures Report
The Economic Futures Report aims to guide the region in capitalising on high value opportunities that align with the regions strengths and will work towards diversifying the Great South Coast Economy.
Download Economic Futures Report (PDF 18005.99 KB)
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Social Futures Report
The Social Futures Report, "In Plain Sight," was developed to provide advice and strategies aimed at enhancing place-based economic participation within communities.
Download In Plain Sight (PDF 4120.6 KB)
An accessible version of this document is currently not available. Contact us via email at if you need this information in an alternative format.