The Goulburn Regional Partnership consults and engages with its community throughout the year. In 2019/20, this engagement will be through targeted deep dive meetings.
Each of the nine Regional Partnerships hosted a virtual roundtable in May/June 2020 to hear directly from community and business leaders across regional Victoria.
The insights and evidence from the roundtables are now assisting the government in better understanding the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on local communities and paving the way for recovery through identifying the unique challenges and opportunities each region faces in driving social and economic recovery.
Working in tandem with the Regional Partnerships, Victoria’s five regionally based Regional Development Australia (RDA) committees helped determine place-based solutions to local issues and align Victorian and national efforts across all three tiers of government.
Read the outcomes of the Goulburn roundtable session: Goulburn Regional Roundtable 2020 Playback (PDF 1196.34 KB) .
In previous years, the annual Regional Assembly has provided a large forum and focus for such engagement.
Read about the Goulburn Regional Assemblies below.
2018 Goulburn Regional Assembly
2017 Goulburn Regional Assembly
2016 Goulburn Regional Assembly
2018 Goulburn Regional Assembly
The 2018 Goulburn Regional Assembly was held on Wednesday 18 July in Shepparton and was attended by 225 people, including 195 community members.
It was an opportunity to hear what the Partnership has achieved to date, and for further discussions on some of the difficult issues facing the region such as:
- Breaking down barriers to education
- Developmental vulnerability in children
- Encouraging healthy lifestyles
- Improving digital connectivity
- Public transport
- Reducing social isolation and improving mental health
- Reducing stubborn unemployment
- Supporting young people to be happy and healthy and
- Tackling crime and substance abuse.
It was great to hear the passion and depth of conversation at the Assembly.
There were a number of younger people at the Assembly which followed a series of meetings between the Partnership and young people across our region. Group discussions with young people took place in the preceding weeks in Cobram, Nathalia, Yarrawonga, Euroa, Benalla, Seymour, Broadford and Wallan and they were a great opportunity for the Partnership to better understand the issues faced by young people in Goulburn.
A report for Assembly attendees is being prepared and will be circulated shortly.
2017 Goulburn Regional Assembly
Around 170 people – including 130 community members – attended our 2017 Goulburn Regional Assembly in Seymour in August 2017.
It was a great opportunity for local people to tell Partnership members and Government Ministers and representatives what is important to us.
The main topics discussed at the Assembly were:
- The opportunities for continued economic diversification
- How we can better support our young people to be happy, healthy and productive
- How we can better support peri-urban growth
- Improving our region’s digital connectivity.
2016 Goulburn Regional Assembly
Held in December 2016 in Shepparton, the first Goulburn Regional Assembly generated plenty of ideas. The priority areas for action, according to participants votes, were:
- Supporting the region’s children and young people
- Ensuring a healthy and engaged population
- Continuing to strengthen and diversify the region’s economy
- Ensuring a sustainable future for agriculture in the region
- Improving the region’s connectivity
- Supporting the peri-urban growth corridor.